“Coaching kept me on track with my schoolwork. I’m in a much better place than I would have been if I hadn’t done coaching with you.
School is hard but it’s only hard because there’s so much work to be done. It’s not hard because there’s so much work to be done AND I feel horrible about myself.
I can now put my energy into actually doing my schoolwork rather than spending it all repairing emotional damage from beating myself up.”
--- David, 32 [Coaching Client]
Graduate Student with ADHD/Neurodivergence
Coaching Areas: Focus, Motivation, and Self-Acceptance
Being Transparent about Testimonials
I share testimonials to show examples of the variety of people I help and the variety of outcomes they achieve.
Each coaching client’s experience working with me is unique. The results experienced by anyone individual who wrote a testimonial or gave an endorsement are not necessarily what any given reader or client should expect to experience for themselves. In other words, if we decide to work together, you may have a similar experience to what you read here, or you may not.
The information this testimonial should not be interpreted as a guarantee, warranty, or prediction by me regarding the outcome of any past, ongoing, or future interaction with my online audience or private coaching clients.
The kind of experience and outcomes you can expect, depend on a number of factors. Exploring these factors and setting realistic expectations is something that I do with prospective clients during the free consultation.
Reading and watching the content I share on my website, in my email newsletter, and on my social media channels is not the same as participating in one-on-one coaching with me. My online audience cannot expect to achieve the same or similar results as my private coaching clients, mentees, former employees, or other individuals who have known or worked with me for a significant length of time.
Collecting and Sharing Testimonials Ethically
Individuals who share testimonials are never paid or offered direct incentives to do so.
I do not solicit testimonials from private coaching clients who are younger than 18.
I do not solicit testimonials from private coaching clients who may be vulnerable to undo influence for other reasons.
Individuals who do share their experience have the right to preview and edit their testimonial before it’s published. Permission to publish this content may be revoked by them at any time.
With permission, some testimonials are edited for clarity and length.
In some cases, the name, age, and other identifying information of someone who shared a testimonial may be changed to protect their privacy.
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